FEMME METAL WEBZINE:http://www.femmemetalwebzine.net/2013/04/02/cara-mccutchen-mortillery/
TEETH OF THE DIVINE: http://www.teethofthedivine.com/featured/interview-with-mortillery/
SKULLBANGER: http://skullbanger.net/2013/03/12/exclusive-interview-with-cara-mccutchen-lead-singer-of-mortillery/
PLANETMOSH: http://planetmosh.com/mortillery-interview-march-2013/
THE AGE OF METAL: http://theageofmetal.com/2013/02/alex-gutierrez-of-mortillery-checked-in-with-the-age-of-metal/
METALHOLIC: http://metalholic.com/mortillery-interview-vocalist-talks-origin-of-extinction/
EXAMINER.COM: http://www.examiner.com/article/take-five-an-interview-with-mortillery?cid=rss
MISANTROPIA EXTREMA (PORTUGAL): https://misantropiaextrema.wordpress.com/2013/05/07/mortillery/
DISAGREEMENT: http://www.disagreement.net/reviews/mortillery_originofextinction.html
SOIL CHRONICLES (FRANCE): http://www.soilchronicles.fr/chroniques/mortillery-origin-of-extinction
FULL METAL ATTORNEY: http://fullmetalattorney.blogspot.ca/2013/05/mortillery-origin-of-extinction-2013.html
KWADRATURR (BELGIUM): http://www.kwadratuur.be/cdbesprekingen/detail/mortillery_-_origin_of_extinction/#.UZKg38qRfKd
DEAF SPARROW: http://www.deafsparrow.com/mortillery-review-2013.html
LADY OBSCURE: http://www.ladyobscure.com/albums/mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
TIME FOR METAL (GER): http://www.time-for-metal.eu/include.php?path=article&contentid=9087
METAL IMPRESSIONS (GER): http://www.metal-impressions.de/?p=23847
ROCKNYTT (SWEDEN): http://www.rocknytt.net/cd/9605-mortillery-origin-of-extinction-80
METAL MUSIC ARCHIVES: http://www.metalmusicarchives.com/mortillery.aspx?ac=mortillery
METAL OBSERVER: http://www.metal-observer.com/articles.php?lid=1&sid=1&id=19866
METAL ARCHIVES: http://www.metal-archives.com/reviews/Mortillery/Origin_of_Extinction/363053/
MOSHVILLE: http://www.moshville.co.uk/new-band-of-the-day/2013/04/new-band-of-the-day-mortillery/
METAL FORCES MAGAZINE: http://www.metalforcesmagazine.com/site/album-review-mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
VOLUMES OF SIN: http://www.volumesofsin.com/2013/04/review-mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
DEATH GRIND FREAK: http://deathgrindfreak.blogspot.ca/2013/04/mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
METALITALIA (ITALY): http://metalitalia.com/album/mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
METALHEAD (ITALY): http://www.metalhead.it/?p=18088
TWILIGHT MAGAZINE (GER): http://twilight-magazin.de/reviews/cds/item/origin-of-extinction.html
DARKSCENE (AUSTRIA): http://www.darkscene.at/index.php?m=review&i=6076&rf=rs_2
LIVE DOOR (JAPAN): http://blog.livedoor.jp/hr_nonbiri2i_ihm974/archives/7788682.html
SPUTNIK MUSIC: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/55787/Mortillery-Origin-of-Extinction/
REVOLVER MAGAZINE: http://www.revolvermag.com/reviews/review-mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
BATTLEHELM: http://battlehelm.com/?p=13040
MUSIKREVIEWS (GER): http://www.musikreviews.de/reviews/2013/Mortillery/Origin-Of-Extinction/
THE AGE OF METAL: http://theageofmetal.com/2013/03/mortillery-origin-of-extinction-2013/
TOTGEHOERT (GER): http://totgehoert.blogspot.de/2012/12/free-for-all-mortillery.html
ROCKING (GREECE): http://www.rocking.gr/reviews/album/Mortillery_-_Origin_Of_Extinction/4742/
DGF MAGAZIN (GER): http://magazin.das-gothic-forum.de/index.php/magazin/rezensionenkritik/musik/7142-mortillery-origin-of-extinction
ETERNAL TERROR: http://www.eternal-terror.com/reviews/index.php?id=3119&type=B
XXL ROCK (GER): http://xxl-rock.com/index.php/cd-reviews/l-m/767-mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
SD METAL: http://sdmetal.com/music-review/music-review-mortillery/
IMHOTEP: http://www.imhotep.no/?did=9111070&aid=9069486&fb_source=message
METAL UNDERGROUND (AUSTRIA): http://www.metalunderground.at/mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
METALLIZED (ITALY): http://www.metallized.it/recensione.php?id=8462
LA GROSSE RADIO (FRANCE): http://www.lagrosseradio.com/metal/webzine-metal/chronique-metal/p6083-mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
ROCK OVERDOSE (GREECE): http://www.rockoverdose.gr/news_details.php?id=20423
POWERMETAL (GER): http://powermetal.de/content/artikel/show-Gruppentherapie__MORTILLERY-_Origin_Of_Extinction,7943-1.html
METALLUS (ITALY): http://www.metallus.it/recensioni/origin-of-extinction/
METAL (GER): http://www.metal.de/thrash-metal/review/mortillery/53268-origin-of-extinction/
ALL SCHOOLS (GER): http://www.allschools.de/record/1311813
METAL TEMPLE: http://www.metal-temple.com/site/catalogues/entry/reviews/cd_3/m_2/mortillery-origin-of.htm
METAL DISCIPLE: http://metaldisciple.com/Reviews/Album-Reviews/
HEAVY METAL HAVEN: http://metaltube.freeforums.org/mortillery-origin-of-extinction-t2819.html
ASHLADEN (DUTCH): http://ashladan.be/metal-reviews/mortillery-origin-of-extinction
HARDSOUNDS (ITALY): http://www.hardsounds.it/recensione.php?id=9247
ANGRY METAL GUY: http://www.angrymetalguy.com/mortillery-origin-of-extinction-review/
HOWLING AT MIDNIGHT: http://howlingatmidnight.com/Mortillery-Origin-of-Extinction
FESTIVAL BLOG (DUTCH): http://www.festivalblog.be/recensies/mortillery-origin-extinction
ALL OVER FFM ROCK(GER): http://allover-ffm-rock.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11304:mortillery-origin-of-extinction&catid=51:cd-reviews&Itemid=593
ROCK GARAGE MAGAZINE (GER): http://rock-garage-magazine.blogspot.ca/2013/02/mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
WINGS OF DEATH (DUTCH): http://www.wingsofdeath.net/Mortillery-Origin-of-Extinction
STREET CLIP TV (GER): http://www.streetclip.tv/magazine/details/reviews/article/mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
METAL EXPOSURE: http://metal-exposure.com/?page_id=11396
HEAVY METAL TIME MACHINE: http://metalmark.blogspot.ca/2013/02/mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
PRESSURE MAGAZINE (GER): http://www.pressuremagazine.de/cd-review/4193/mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
DESTRUCTIVE MUSIC: http://destructive-music.com/?p=5836
DARK SCENE (Austria): http://darkscene.at/index.php?m=review&i=5737&rf=sr_a_1_1_1
POWERMETAL (GER): http://powermetal.de/review/review-Mortillery/Origin_Of_Extinction,21717.html
METAL IMPRESSIONS (GER): http://www.metal-impressions.de/?p=23847
METAL NEWS (GER): http://www.metalnews.de/cds/Mortillery+-+Origin+Of+Extinction.7915.html
WOLF HOUND RADIO: http://www.wolfhoundmetalradio.org/magazine/reviews/mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
STORMBRINGER (Austria): http://www.stormbringer.at/reviews.php?id=8928
METAL GLORY Magazine (GER): http://www.metalglory.de/reviews.php?nr=23619
PANDEMONIUM TV (en ESPAÑOL): http://www.pandemonium-tv.com/2013/02/mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
PLANET MOSH: http://planetmosh.com/mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
THE MONOLITH: http://www.themonolith.com/music/mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
AVE NOCTUM: http://www.avenoctum.com/2013/02/mortillery-origin-of-extinction-napalm-records/
QUEENS OF STEEL (SPAIN): http://www.queensofsteel.com/2013/02/mortillery-origin-of-extinction/
WICKED CHANNEL : http://wickedchannel.com/2013/01/metal-review-mortillery-origin-of-extinction-2013/
SKULL FRACTURING METAL ZINE: http://skullfracturingmetal.blogspot.ca/2013/01/mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
SEA OF TRANQUILITY: http://www.seaoftranquility.org/reviews.php?op=showcontent&id=14023
NACHTAKTIV MAGAZIN (GER): http://www.nachtaktiv-magazin.com/index.php/inhalte-240/items/cd-review-mortillery-origin-of-extinction.html
BLOG: http://november24thspawnedamonster.blogspot.ca/2013/01/mortillery-origin-of-extinction-review.html
Canada has never really made much of an impact on the worldwide thrash scene, and probably boast one big name and that’s Annihilator. So can the Canadian’s produce anymore titans with Mortillery and their second album “Origin of Extinction”? With the first glance of the album cover and the logo, my first thought was this has thrash metal written all over it and reading the press release I was correct.
When I first heard this album I wasn’t so sure, with the first track Battle March being an instrumental, however it is a bold move and an interesting start, showing that this band can play with the guitars being played at a steady pace and the drummer can keep a beat.
No Way Out starts with a slow intro before kicking into the main song with an almost Overkill feel to the vocals but with an edge giving them their own sound. This song sets the pace for the rest of the albums and never comes up for air. It’s fast, enthusiastic with some killer solos thrown in, and if you are not banging your head why are you even listening to a thrash album.
The Hunters Lair stand out for me and has a darker edge and the vocals stand out setting a different tone to the rest of the album, with two styles of vocals working well together, one heading towards the death metal direction. All bands have their own anthem and Mortillery’s is F.O.A.D. which is a fuck you to all the fake metal fans and posers. Bands just don’t do songs like this anymore.
I really wanted to find fault with this album, but this is an old school style thrash album, with an energy and enthusiasm, which you do not find in many bands these days, and I couldn’t find fault, I also like the fact they don’t take themselves too seriously with song titles like Sunday Morning Slasher. This is the reason I became a thrash fan back in the late 80’s and if they can keep this pace up they could make a name for themselves.
LADY METAL WEBZINE (GER): http://www.lady-metal.com/cd-reviews/mortillery-murder-death-kill.html
METAL AS FUCK: http://metalasfuck.net/zine/reviews/2012/mortillery-murder-death-kill-napalm-records
UNDERRATED: http://underratedreviews.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/mortillery-murder-death-kill/
METAL1 (GER): http://metal1.info/reviews/reviews.php?rev_id=5854
NECKBREAKER (GER): http://neckbreaker.de/cd-reviews/5465-mortillery-murder-death-kill7gEwBQ
LES ETERNALS (FRA): http://www.leseternels.net/chronique.aspx?id=5444
SEA OF TRANQUILITY: http://www.seaoftranquility.org/reviews.php?op=showcontent&id=13232
METAL OBSERVER: http://www.metal-observer.com/articles.php?lid=1&sid=1&id=19197
PLANET MOSH : http://planetmosh.com/mortillery-murder-death-kill/
QUEENS OF STEEL(SPAIN): http://www.queensofsteel.com/2012/06/mortillery-murder-death-kill/
ROCKWAY (GREECE): http://www.rockway.gr/nees-kyklofories/item/3561-mortillery-%E2%80%9Cmurder-death-kill%E2%80%9D
LEGACY MAGAZINE (GER): http://wwww.legacy.de/index.php/re-views/a-z/item/23176-mortillery-murder-death-kill
METAL CRYPT: http://www.metalcrypt.com/pages/review.php?revid=7812
ZERO TOLERANCE: http://www.ztmag.com/blog/extra-features/2012/09/26/chris-kee-catches-up-with-canadian-serial-thrashers-mortillery-2/
METAL EXPOSURE: http://metal-exposure.com/?page_id=10687
BRAVE WORDS: http://www.bravewords.com/hardwares/1002145
METAL ARCHIVES: http://www.metal-archives.com/reviews/Mortillery/Murder_Death_Kill/312468/
METAL KAOZ: http://www.metalkaoz.com/album-reviews/6825-mortillery-murder-death-kill.html
QUANQ: http://qranq.nl/2012/07/mortillery-murder-death-kill/
THOUGHTS OF METAL: http://www.thoughtsofmetal.com/mortillery-murder-death-kill/
METAL UNDERGROUNDhttp://www.metalunderground.com/reviews/details.cfm?releaseid=6863
CROWS N BONES: http://www.crowsnbones.com/2012/07/mortillery-murder-death-kill/
METAL SOUND: http://www.metal-sound.net/reviews.php?read=1460
THE AGE OF METAL: http://theageofmetal.com/2012/07/mortillery-murder-death-kill-2012/
METAL BLAST: http://www.metalblast.net/music-review/mortillery-murder-death-kill/
THIS IS NOT A SCENE: http://www.thisisnotascene.com/2012/mortillery-murder-death-kill/
ROCK MUSIC CRITIC: http://rockmusiccritic.com/Reviews/Album-Reviews/
GET METAL (SWEDEN): http://www.getmetal.com/?p=10792
HEAD BANG BLOG (US): http://social.entertainment.msn.com/music/blogs/headbang-blogpost.aspx?post=463a7ac7-7a06-45ec-af9b-28cc7b391625
METAL SUCKS : http://www.metalsucks.net/2012/07/10/shit-that-comes-out-today-july-10-2012/#more-97100
FESTIVAL BLOG (DUTCH): http://www.festivalblog.be/recensies/mortillery-murder-death-kill
WINGS OF DEATH (DUTCH): http://www.wingsofdeath.net/content/36,22263/Mortillery_Murder_Death_Kill
SD METAL: http://sdmetal.com/review/cd-review-mortillery/
ANGRY METAL GUY: http://www.angrymetalguy.com/mortillery-murder-death-kill-review/
INFERNAL MASQUERADE: http://www.infernalmasquerade.com/?q=reviews/002145-mortillery-%E2%80%93-murder-death-kill-2012
AVENOCTUM: http://www.avenoctum.com/2012/06/mortillery-murder-death-kill-napalm-records/
BLISTERING.COM: http://www.blistering.com/fastpage/fpengine.php/templateid/27094/menuid/2/tempidx/4/link/1
DEAD VOID DREAMS: http://deadvoiddream.blogspot.ca/2012/01/mortillery.html
METAL RULES: http://www.metal-rules.com
A popular notion among metal fans is that thrash was both born and buried in the 1980s.
At least that sentiment persisted until the reanimation of the thrash cadaver in the early 2000s, when bands like Toxic Holocaust, Municipal Waste, Violator et al. proved that just as evil never dies, nor shall the bastard child of punk and metal.
Now the graves of the ‘80s are all but empty, with the resurrected corpses of thrash and speed metal roaming the earth once again. In Alberta, the ragged flag of classic thrash is wielded by Edmonton power rippers Mortillery.
The three-man, two-woman outfit choose not to challenge the thrash status quo. Instead, they blast out battering tracks as expected: frantic but tactical riffing at conventional breakneck pace, like a cannon fed with human fodder.
Still very much a young band, Mortillery formed in late 2008 in an attempt to “help out the scene” according to founding guitarist Alex Gutierrez.
“We figured that the scene could use a lot more ‘80s metal, and thrash has always been our favorite genre, so we said why not?” Gutierrez continues, “let’s start a band that Alberta doesn’t have much of right now.”
Mortillery’s recent deal with the Austrian label Napalm Records further demonstrates the scale of the international thrash comeback.
However, the fact that fellow Edmonton act Striker gained label recognition at “pretty much the same time” indicates not only the rise of modern thrash, but also Alberta’s escalation in the worldwide metal machine.
“That alone proves that people are starting to notice the music scene over here,” Gutierrez remarks.
Additionally, and considering the historical connection between Calgary and Edmonton’s heavy music communities, growth in either city encourages the bond between both.
“Every time I’ve booked shows here in Edmonton I’ve asked Calgary bands to come out,” explains Gutierrez, identifying Gatekrashör and Hrom as usual bands to share the stage.
“I think it needs to be more united but we’re definitely on the way there.”
According to Eric Greif, lawyer behind Mortillery’s current record contract, seeing the two scenes as separate is to ignore their demographic similarity.
“Many of these bands play each other’s cities interchangeably, which is cool and the way it should be,” he said via online interview. “It’s all Alberta and it’s all metal.”
For a relatively new band from our frozen corner of the globe to stumble upon so much success implies an intrinsic marketability. In the case of Mortillery, no small fraction of this results from the vocal talent of Cara McCutchen.
Female vocals remain rare in extreme metal - particularly in the subgenres of thrash/speed metal - but according to Gutierrez, McCutchen’s involvement is a far cry from premeditated gimmickry.
“It’s not like it was thought out or planned,” says Gutierrez. “We never even really noticed the difference until people started mentioning how rare it is to see female vocals.”
Although an important part of Mortillery’s overall sound, vocals alone can’t carry a band to the promised land. Instead, organization and energy are what set them apart, according to Greif.
“They have their shit together. They know their concept and they do that concept well,” he explains, objecting to the ‘80s label such bands are often given. “I like to think it is timeless metal, as opposed to ‘80s or whatever retro stamp someone tries to stick on it.”
However you describe Mortillery’s formula, the bottom line is it works. With heavy touring underway and a second album slated for some time next year, Mortillery continue to establish themselves as one of the heavyweights of Alberta metal.
By Ian Lemke - http://beatroute.ca/2012/10/15/mortillery/
June 2012
Mortillery: A thrash storm to be reckoned with -
By [Laceration] Lacey Paige
The diabolical force behind ‘Murder Death Kill’ in Deadmonton is none other than revered local thrashers, Mortillery — well, maybe not literally, but their tunes are deadly wicked sounding and Murder Death Kill happens to be the name of their first studio album (released in February of 2011 by Philadelphia-based production company, Horror Pain Gore Death).
Mortillery shreds with an insatiable appetite for audible destruction, dishing out penetrating riffs complemented by intense bass themes and the relentless assaulting force of vocalist Cara McCutchen’s piercing pipes.
“Tons of bands scream and growl but Cara can go low and high and back to front and wherever,” Mortillery explains. “You can tell she's been singing along to Priest and Maiden in the shower since she was like, six. And she makes the rest of us ugly fuckers look a smidgen better when we're alongside her.”
There are few other bands that could possibly supersede the pace that Mortillery has set. Rarely do they show up anywhere other than at the top of a show bill.
They’ve played with a number of huge metal acts in the past couple years, including ANVIL, Death Angel and Skull Fist — shows that have given them the kind of exposure that really pays off for up-and-coming bands.
And it’s only fate that a band as driven and polished as Mortillery would eventually get signed to a major label. Edmonton’s finest thrashers are excited to share the news of their recent signing with independent Austrian label, Napalm Records.
“We had sent a promo pack to them about four months before they got back to us, you can only imagine our excitement when the first email came!”
Mortillery says that they owe much gratitude to their good friend Eric Grief, a well- known and well-rounded member of the local metal scene, for sticking by their side and assisting where needed throughout their journey to being signed with their first major label.
The band says that Napalm is a mint fit for them, simply based on how nice, easy-going and easy to work with the guys at the label have been.
“We’re convinced this is the best thing that could have happened to us.”
The band evolved from two words — Mortal, Artillery — and three original members: Alex Gutierrez (guitar), Miranda Gladeau (bass) and Max Smits (drums). Cara McCutchen joined shortly after on vocals and James Guiltner came on board to rip on lead guitar. Guiltner was eventually replaced by Alex S., and Kevin Gaudet took over drums, resulting in Mortillery’s current line-up.
The five of them set out to concoct the ultimate maelstrom of ‘80s Bay-area inspired thrash metal and grimy punk — brewing together elements from all of the sub-genres and bands that have inspired them along the way.
As for Mortillery’s sound, they describe it simply as “thrash” inspired by just random shit — music, life, “anything that’s 80’s and bad ass!”
Come to a Mortillery show and it’ll seem obvious just how much of their inspiration comes from bands such as (early) Metallica, Helloween, Toxic Holocaust, Slayer, Anthrax and Skid Row. They’ve also been hugely influenced by punk bands such as Broken Bones, Crucifix and the English Dogs.
Mortillery gives a massive amount of credibility to Edmonton’s local scene, with so many different bands playing shows and putting themselves out there for people to check out.
“Edmonton has always been on the music map of Canada for ages now, and even if it comes like a roller coaster with ups and downs it’s always great, there’s a million shows to choose from and every genre you can imagine, sometimes it’s hard ‘cause there will be two or three shows on the same weekend and you have to choose, but that’s the business I guess.”
Currently the band’s primary goal is to distribute their superlative thrash waves around the world, touring as much as inhumanely possible so that they can bring their sound everywhere, via shows and albums.
With five heads bursting at the seems with innovative ideas for new tunage, and the solidity and potential for vaster exposure that comes with signing on to a major label, the band is proudly preparing for the release of their second studio album.
“After months of nothing but creativeness and being locked in the basement lab with nothing but guitars, drums and feelings of pure thrash metal assault, we have finished writing our new album and have scheduled studio time for this summer. Expect nothing more than pure Mortillery Thrash!”
"MORTILLERY! That's the best band name I've heard in a good while and damn it I'm glad I clicked the link because the music backed it up - absolutely killer vocals, nicely treading in the footsteps of Znowhite!" - Anonymous
"Excellent, very old-school sounding Thrash, with certainly Heavy Metal influences here and there. The riffs are excellent, there's great guitar solos, and the songwriting is consistently strong. Also, they have a female vocalist who perfectly captures the essence of the genre, while including some awesome sounding wails, and just generally sounding awesome." - Anonymous
"Killer female fronted, aggressive Thrash Metal from Canada." - HPGD Productions
"We played with Mortillery awhile back and I must say I was totally blown away. They will seriously be a force to be reckoned with so keep your eyes open!" - Joel Grind, Toxic Holocaust
"Watching this band i kind of felt like i was in the bay area in the 1980's" - Anoymous Show Review
MORTILLERY hail from Edmonton in Canada and play old school thrash with varying amounts of heavy, speed and crust punk influence. The music is usually speedy, aggressive and pretty angry at times with a bit of a melodic flare because of the heavy/speed influence. Certainly the band has an 80's sound but with modern production values.
MORTILLERY is unique in they have female lead vocalist, but an old school sound. They don't resort to a real modern sound or throw in some melodic death metal influence to their sound. The lead vocalist is Cara McCutchen and she really is superb. Cara alternates between a very powerful clean heavy metal sounding voice and an angry semi extreme punkish thrash voice. Both voices are great and help to add variety to the overall sound of the band. How about the heavy metal wail at the beginning of the song "Without Weapons"? It is really hard to tell it is a female singing this!
I don't want you to think MORTILLERY is all about Cara, because the songwriting is strong, riffing excellent and there are some very nice guitar solos. Everything is great and takes you back to they hey day of thrash, but with female vocals. I would also add the band has a female bass player named Miranda Gladeau if you are a fan of females in metal bands.
MURDER DEATH KILL is an excellent old school thrash metal album with female vocals that should actually be embraced by old school thrash fans. The melodic touches because of the heavy/speed metal influence make this album more appealing to me and should be embraced by old school metal fans in general. Excellent stuff from a band I can't wait to hear more from.
HEavy Magazine (Ger) interview
Let me tell you first, that you guys a fucking great. Your album is since weeks the CD with the most spins in my car, back home, on my iPod….. I really love this album. Its pure energy and you sound definitely not like all the other young bands. I really hope to get the chance to see you guys here in Europe. Cross my fingers this will happen soon. Thanx for taking the time doing this interview.
Cheerz and Beerz!
Juergen Tschamler
Alright, first of all, can you give us Germans a brief history of the band?
It started with Max (original drummer) Alex G. and Miranda jamming out a couple riffs, after 2 or 3 jams Cara joined the band to give us much needed vocals. Shortly after James joined as lead, we wanted to be part of the revival of 80’s thrash that swept the world in the 2000’s. Miranda being a huge fan of metal and Alex G. coming from a punk background and Cara bringing strong power metal type vocals, it was easy to get it started. After a couple of member changes the final line up was formed with Cara on vocals, Alex G. on rhythm, Miranda on bass, Alex S. on lead and Kevin on drums.
Did the band start under the name of MORTILLERY or did you change the name after the line up was complete (if you already answered this question with question one-forget it!)
Originally (for about two weeks) the band was called Assault, but clearly that name has been used and abused a few times so we started coming up with new names, after writing two pages full of possible choices we were getting frustrated that all names were taken.
Mortal Artillery was one of the options we had but we wanted a one word name like Metallica, Megadeth, Motorhead …. And so we combined those two words and MORTILLERY was born!
With two girls in the band you will definitely get a lot of attention, not just because of the music. Is the band aware of this fact?
Yes we are, it goes both ways, some people will listen to us more and some will show less interest,. We have actually had people think that Miranda and Cara are just helping with the merch and gear, and they are surprised when they get on stage along with they guys and rock out just as hard.
It was never a plan to have girls in the band, it just ended up that way, and we couldn’t be happier the way it worked out.
3 Questions for the female members: Playing in a Thrash Metal band is still something special till today. How are your experiences with Thrash fans so far? Usually Thrash Metal fans are 95% male!
Many times after we’ve played a show guys will come up to us and say “When I saw two girls get on stage, I honestly thought that this band was going to be shitty, but I was totally blown away. You guys kick ass!” We usually gain a lot of respect from Thrash fans after they see us play live. Guys have always been very respectful.
Cara: I would like to quote Manowar “Brothers of Metal will always be there.” I always just feel like one of the guys.
Miranda: I do a lot of show booking and a lot of the bands that come through end up crashing at our house. So I think I have gained a lot of respect by helping out bands as well. Also, if you ever meet me or Cara you will definitely find that we are not girly girls…at all. Cara is a welder. Haha.
Cara, when do you decided to sing in a Thrash band? Did you sing in other bands before? Which female Thrash singers do you like most and which ones are your main influence?
Ten years ago I met the original drummer for my other band Minax at a bar and we started talking about how awesome it would be to try to bring back old school metal. He said “I play drums” and I said “I bet you I could sing” and we just started jamming. To be honest at that point I never really thought anything would actually come of it, it just kind of happened I guess. In the beginning I mostly just screamed my face off. I knew what I wanted to sound like in my head but without any vocal training, it took me awhile to get to the point where I am now. Wherever that is.
I honestly don’t have any female singer influences. But my favourite singers are Sebastian Bach (Skid Row), Kai Hansen (Helloween), Steve Grimmett (Grim Reaper), Joey Belladonna (Anthrax) to name a few.
Any shitty experiences at live shows so far? Like take the shirt off or something?
No everyone has always been very respectful.
Which bands you are most influenced by?
We have to answer this one separately since all our influences are different.
Cara: Exciter, Exodus, Virgin Steele, Helloween, Annihilator
Alex Scott: Early Metallica, Pantera, Stevie Ray Vaughan
Miranda: W.A.S.P., Motorhead, Exumer, Violator
Alex Gutierrez: Broken Bones, Warfare, Early Metallica, Toxic Holocaust
Kevin: Melvins, Bad Brains, Nomeansno, Anything Dave Grohl has touched.
In some songs I might hear some punky influence. Was or is Punk/Hardcore a influence in your style?
Alex G: Yeah I’m a firm believer that punk is just as important in thrash as metal is, all the greats like Metallica, Anthrax and so on… wouldn’t be were they are if punk hadn’t influenced them, The idea of Thrash to me is 50% Punk, 50% Metal. before we started Mortillery, I was more involved in the punk scene than anything else, at the moment me and Kevin our drummer play in a Punk band called Panik Attak and we are an all out punk band.
BTW- do you like the Term Old school Thrash Metal band for Mortillery?
Yes, we sure do!
Besides of the EP do you have released in 2010- there are any other releases like demo stuff or something?
No, that is all we have recorded.
In February 2011 do you recorded your first full album. The production is killer I must say! And the songs are heavy as fuck. How long did it take do record it and why do you decided just to use one song from the EP on the album?
Thanks! It took us about a month to record the album. We are much better musicians now than we were when we recorded the EP. We plan to re-record all of the songs on the EP on future albums.
The artwork of “Murder , Death , Kill” has also a very punky touch. Who came up with the idea for such a untypical cover? (I like this full coloured painting!)
Well, the lead singer of Panik Attak is also a tattoo artist. We love his style and he has done all of our album art and shirt designs as well.
Tell us more about “Fritzls Cellar”. A very strange title,
Cara: In Amstetten, Austria, Josef Fritzl held his daughter captive for 24 years in his basement, repeatedly raped her and had seven children with her. You should Google the story. It’s really fucked up. Anyway, the story made it to our local newspaper and I decided to write a song about it and I really wanted his name in the title.
The album was released by HPGD- how do you got in touch with this company as a old school Thrash Metal band?
After Minax released their EP with HPGD, Mike Juliano the owner of the label found out that Mortillery was up and coming and ready to release an album, so since he was so helpful with Minax it was easy for him to get in touch with us and work together.
How is the response so far for the album?
Its been great, especially in Europe, we’ve notice the majority of the mail orders we send are to European countries, maybe because they seem to have kept the spirit of old school thrash alive, along side with the great fans in South America! Canada and the USA have also responded positively.
Is the band playing live a lot? How many shows do you have done so far? Biggest show?
Its hard for western Canadian bands to tour a lot because of the vast distances between all the major cities, that being said we’ve done a tour and we keep busy here in town.
Not too sure how many exactly but I can tell you that they’ve all been fun!!
Its funny cause our first show ever was with Toxic Holocaust and that was so fun! Some time after we had the opportunity to play with Death Angel, after that night we got offered to share the stage with Anvil, to this day those have been our most memorable shows.
Currently the Canadian metal scene is very strong with some pretty good young bands like Skull Fist, Cauldron etc… How do you feel the situation in Canada for young bands?
Our home town (Edmonton) has always been great for live music, there seems to be a great show almost every weekend, lots of bands from here are working really hard to make a name for themselves and to put Canada in the metal music map. Canada is a huge country and weve all done a great job at creating a network for all of us to keep in contact and help each other out on the road.
On your website we can see some live videos from your shows. I would mention the one you cover Razor`s “Evil Invaders”. For me, Razor is the ultimate Thrash band of all the times. How do you came up to cover this killer songs from Razor?
We agree! We were on our way home from tour and after covering Angel Witch by Angel Witch for a few shows we were trying to decide what our next cover would be…. Our ipod was in shuffle and the next song that played was ‘Evil Invaders’ we just kind of looked at each other and instantly knew that was the one!
Ever met these guys personally?
Cara: A few years ago, I flew to Montreal to see Razor Anvil, Exciter and Piledriver. It was the best show I have ever seen, I unfortunately did not get to meet them
Any last comments? Last message to the German Thrasher?
Our goal is to play Europe, and we thank everybody who has spread the word about us!
MURDER DEATH KILL REview - Classicthrash.com
It might be too far-fetched to call Mortillery's Murder Death Kill outright delightful, but this recording does have a certain likeable feel to it. The band's speed/thrash offering sounds slightly punkish and even homespun, which actually makes it appear a bit more "real" in comparison to some sleeker studio productions available nowadays. As for the female vocals, they manage to bring memories of some very early Battlefield and Detente recordings to mind, being more than sufficiently powerful for the music. With nearly non-stop speed and generally an energetic and brisk attitude, Murder Death Kill gives an impression of a band that could be a great act to witness playing live some day.